Tag Archives: finacialfreedom

No Excuses

Step 2 to Conquering your dreams is “No Excuses!”  Ouch today hurt , but growing things change, and changing things are Alive ! So are you ready to be Alive this Year! ?

“Darren started out by saying we have all start out in this life the same way , naked, scared and ignorant . Sure things happen to all of us ,but what happens to us doesn’t define us , what we DO about it does ! ” Like it or not we are all 100% responsible for our life … Everything that is going on in your life right now is your own dang fault . All of it no-matter what has happened . Remember that for taking 100% responsibility of your life : Everything you have in life is because of what 1. You did or 2. you didn’t do. Now if the car  breaks down instead of blaming the car or someone else , know that that is something that happens and If you had been prepared as far as a emergency fund then it wouldn’t be such a big stress. You are responsible for how you respond to what happens to YOU !

Now that is what my prayer would be for my life that when people see me and get to know me that they don’t see things like  boldness , rash words, self confidence , because of a past insecurity. But that my life would reflect Jesus ! not what Ariana’s feelings and past are but the love of Christ .

So well put when he said “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don”t, you’ll find an excuse ”

~ Darren Hardy

what really spoke to me was , The day we graduate to adulthood from childhood is the day we stop making excuses and take responsibility for our own life .

If you haven’t achieved your dreams, it’s your fault ”

Where are you less than your best ? Circle below 




Savings/net worth

Intimate Relationship

Career/business progress

Relationship with family

Relationship with team

Relationship with neighbors

Peace of Mind

Life balance

( I ended up circling all of them )

Why, on those you circled above ?

Weight ~ because i haven”t had self control with eating when i am offered sweets or see them. I eat to pass the time : (

Fitness~ Because I am tired and don”t want to wake up before the kids to exercise .

Income~ I feel like I don’t have control over it because I don’t make the money

Savings/net worth ~ because I keep thinking about the things we need now. I feel like I can’t control the savings because I barley go to the bank or have a steady income that I bring in.

Intimate Relationship ~ because I worry about the kids more than being concerned with my love life and being invested in my husband. I feel like there isn”t enough time or privacy.

Career/ business ~ Because I feel like my husband isn’t motivated right now. I guess I want him to succeed before I take over. No money to renew my license , no money to drive to meetings and training’s. making excuses not to call people because the kids are loud.

~ Relationship with family ~ because I feel like I shouldn’t visit over the phone,because i want to visit in person. I feel bad that we don”t have the gas to drive to see family. It is uncomfortable to talk with them . Worried about what they think of us.

Relationship with Team ~ Because I am worried of what they think of me . I  feel like I have nothing to offer since we haven”t shown up for them.

Relationship with neighbors ~ I haven’t taken the time to go meet them. I am nervous of them knowing when we are struggling .

Peace of Mind ~ I am letting myself get frustrated about little things and not relying on Jesus as my peace . I am focusing on the negative things ,not the positive . Too busy with the wrong things. Spending too much time on Facebook .

Life balance ~ I am focusing on making the kids life perfect, and making them happy and safe. I am spending most of my energy mentally on them. There is more time that I could spend on God , my husband, and my own personal development .

Action step for today : Now cross out the ” reasons” you gave for why and simply put BECAUSE I FAILED.

this step was life changing for me ! Since I did this a few months ago I have improved in so many of those areas ! Just because I stopped making Excuses ! So I encourage you to do yourself a favor and STOP making excuses : )

Blessings !

~ Ariana


This new Year 2015 I have started doing this Daily personal development with Darren Hardy Author of success magazine. In Years past I have done new Years resolutions with not much success , but this year I am taking steps of Action toward the things I want and feel called to do in my life ! and not just imagine and dream about them . So with January over and almost through February I have decided to start sharing some of these exercises I have done to help me with my goals. The 10-30 minutes a day that I took to do this was totally worth it !

“For Ten days we were on the topic of Conquering your dreams . There are three categories of people, those who think about it , those who talk about it , and those who actually do something with it ! ”

“You aren’t just granted your dreams… many people are frustrated as to why they aren’t realizing the dreams that they have had in their head and heart . It’s because they haven’t pursued them with reckless abandonment with all the capabilities that they have been given. Oh! They have talked bout them , thought about them , but they aren’t doing what is necessary to actually earn them .”  Step One to conquering your dreams ! It is Hunger . When you think about your dreams it has to stir your heart and make your blood boil. You can call this purpose , You can call it your “why”, Grand Vision or even your fight !your revenge or justice . Hunger is created by the mouth watering reward ahead or by depravity .  ” ~ Darren Hardy

What do you want ? Why ?

I want financial freedom . I want to be debt free, able to provide for my children, my family and help others who are poor. I want to be off of government assistance and living off of our own profits. Time freedom, peace of mind that if something happens financially I am prepared to bring in an income while I am at home with my kids. I want a home to call my own. I want a car that works, I want to go to Bible / ministry school . i want to be able to go to church on Sunday’s together. I want to be able to travel to be apart of my step son’s life and have the time and finances to do that.


Because when we are in debt we are in bondage to the things and people that we owe. Our money isn’t our own. We can”t fully use our resources for the kingdom of God. because the Bible calls us to not be a borrower . Because this is what I am called to do and it is fulfilling. because right now we don”t have time to build relationships with our family and friends unless we squeeze it in. because I want my husband to have energy to participate in fun activities as a family. To be able to go to church together .To be an example to family and friends that they can break the cycle of poverty. I am tired of living for the here and now !

What do you want prove ?

I want to prove that we don”t have to be struggling and in poverty like the rest of my family. That we don”t have to be running the same rat race as the rest of society. That I, Ariana Jacobs can work from home and build an organization of people making a difference in the world . That I can be successful even if I don”t have a college degree. That we can support our children as well as step son and travel to see him

Why ?

Because of all the people who don”t believe in our ability to be business owners.. Because of all the other families who need financial freedom and aren’t following their dreams and callings. The people who are living in poverty ,but deep down inside they know that doesn’t define who they are. The people who work to survive , who’s marriages are bankrupted ,who want to change their families futures’, who are widowed,single Moms , single dads, young adults who got their dreams bet down. Because there is Nothing I enjoy more than seeing people develop and grow as a person!

Because God didn’t make us all one shape like a cookie cutter !  People need freedom to do what they truly have a passion to do !

What Ticks you off ?

When people who really need financial freedom try to discourage me. when people don”t support us because they want to control our decisions. It really ticks me off lol ! When people choose  creer based on money not what they really want to do . When people tell kids and teenagers ” You can become anything you want” but then when they become an adult they discourage a pursue in becoming an entrepreneur.  When my husband isn’t following what he feels God wants him to be and do with his life because he feels stuck in his hourly job to support us . That we never go see our family who only live 2 hours away because we don’t have gas money . That my kids haven’t seen a whole side of the family because are car can”t drive that far . That I can’t afford medicine for my kids and husband and worry about taking them to the doctor because of how much it will cost. That most of our decisions are based on money. If we have it or not . That we can’t just go fly to the East Coast to be apart of our son’s life. That we are living off of welfare to have food. It bothers me that there re soo many families struggling here when we re the Richest Country in the World! That my husband and I don”t get to see each other much . That my children miss their Daddy . because it is our goal to leave an inheritance for our children and their children.

Because I am tired of seeing my dad work soo hard with his leg hurting , and my husband’s dad still pushing a lawn mower with nothing to show for it . They are still living pay check to paycheck!  I want to see my husband helping people and doing what he loves with his life. Because I hate not being able to afford basic things , worrying if child support will take our tax return even when we are doing everything legal. We want to give more than what is required to our stepson! Go on Missions and help my siblings who have a desire to be on the mission field.

Why ? You ask Why?

because my children need their Daddy ! and I need him too. And many other children need their Daddys and Mommys . They need to actually see what it looks like to have two parents in the home interacting and how that looks for the father and even mother to be involved . because too many husbands and wives don”t even sleep together because they work opposite hours. children are being raised by day care. Children in our Country and around the world are hungry . Families are homeless. Moms having to leave their newborn babies to return to work. it makes me mad ! and sad : ( It shouldn’t be so common. People who don’t go to the doctor because they can’t afford it : ( it shouldn’t be !

Because all three of our kids are growing up . i am tired of day becoming  months, months  becoming years that are passing and they can’t do anything about it. Each day we are missing out on the relationship we could have if we were able to travel to see family.  I can’t and should’t expect anyone else to provide for our kids or pay my bills so I shouldn’t care what they think of how I make money to provide for my family.

You know I am past that stage of worrying if anyone thinks I am chasing after fame, money or wealth ! I have learned to be content with little and much and This goes so much deeper than that ! This is me realizing how short life is and that I want to make the most of it .

Ariana Jacobs